When you buy a research paper online, you will notice a section marked “Literature Review”. This portion both summarizes and explains what the writer knows about a particular subject from journal articles and academic texts. The literature review is written as part of the research paper.
And it is important because the entirety of your paper’s thesis argument and hypothesis depends on the perspective and focus of the literature review. When you write a research paper, try reading a few examples online to get an idea of what needs to be done. Take a look at the argument structure and see how the issues are addressed.
Maintain the Divisions
Introduction: This section establishes the focus of the review as well as the significance of the subject matter. History and background are also included. Since your review is part of the research paper, it includes suggestions on how the review findings can shape the research journey of the writer.
Body: The body of the work evaluates and summarizes the present state of knowledge in the respective field of study. Major topics and themes are discussed along with vital findings and trends. The review must pose an argument that is going to justify the research paper.
Conclusion: Visit any research paper website and take a look at the samples present there. Every conclusion highlights gaps and signifies how past research connects to the research paper and the chosen methodology.
Review the Available Literature
Use keywords to search a computer database. Use a minimum of two databases that are connected to your discipline. Keep the reference lists of the latest reviews and articles in mind since they can point you towards some professional research papers for reference. Also, make it a point to include studies that show a separate point of view.
Choose a Specific Topic
When selecting the right topic, consider your interests. This will make the paper interesting to write. But at the same time, think about what others are interested in. Also, keep the time span your research is going to cover in mind. Take a look at the assumptions that researchers appear to be making about the topic. Also, take note of the methodologies being used by them, along with the materials tested, procedures, and subjects. Jot down the names of a few experts in the field along with the labs they work with. They can provide good leads for your research paper. Be sure to study some conflicting outcomes, theories, and methodologies. Finally, do synthesize and evaluate the conclusions and findings.
Organize Your Papers
If you have a lot of papers to review, look for specific patterns and categorize them under subtopics. Pay attention to things like influential theories, important research trends, and commonly contested findings.
Create a Working Thesis
Make it a point to write a statement or two, summarizing the conclusion that has been reached regarding the major trends and developments present in the research paper.
Create the Body of the Paper
The body of the paper is an important aspect of your literature review. The key is to ensure that every section is logically connected to the one before and after. Also, carefully divide the work by subtopics or themes instead of reporting it as per researchers and theorists.
Analyze What Has Been Written
Take a look at a few samples of research papers online. The topic sentences for every paragraph need to be considered. Reading just those sentences should present a clear position that has been carefully developed from the beginning till the end. Create an outline for the paper-based on what has been stated in each paragraph and section of the paper. Then decide if new information needs to be added or off-topic details need to be deleted. If necessary, you might even have the restructure the whole paper.
The next time you think, “I should pay for college papers online”, make sure they include a literature review section in the content. Or, you can create your own using the process given above.